  • MST Generalate, Deepti Bhavan, Melampara P.O. Bharananganam,
    Kerala - 686 578 , India

  • 4822 236353 / 237873

Communication Apostolate


Ministry of Communication
The mission of the Church is to communicate the Good News. The Missionary Society of St. Thomas the Apostle (MST) was established to communicate the Good News of salvation to all the people. As a missionary Society, the fundamental task of MST is to communicate the Good News through all the apostolic activities.

MST Communication Ministry
Communication ministry of MST was started as part of mission animation programmes in 1995. In 2006 it was formed as an independane department with the name IMPACT (Initiatives for Missionary Pastoral Animation and Communication Theology) and is functioning from Thevackal, Ernakulam. This centre organizes several workshops and seminars on mission and pastoral communication for children and adults. The centre provides media education to children and youth, training programmes in different theological institutes and brings out books, periodicals and audio video materials.

Another area of special training is Theater activities. - Educating and communicationg the Word of God through Theater activities. This includes training the children and youth, seminarians and religious sisters in theatre activities, training the catechism teachers for creative communication of Faith, multimedia retreats for the youth and children etc.